The mir@cle of science has developed our lives to a different level. Science is doing a mir@culous development in every field.
Among the scientific mir@cles this p0rt@ble house (Eco Capsule) is one of them. It is powered with solar energy and also has potential to store water. This house which consumes very less energy is feasible for two people. It has a bed, place to cook food and place for water to flow.
The most am@zing fact about this house is that it can be taken anywhere in the world with one self. It has separate mini kitchen. It has well facilitated toilet and a tap for hot water. The fun thing about it is it’s potential to collect rain water. This house will be available in market within the end of 2015. Company has said that this was exhibited in a Pioneer exhibition in Australia’s Vienna. The inventors said that the eco capsule could be used in any research station, emer*gency cases and many human purpose.