17km fence by Nepal on Mechi river blocks Elephant corridor watch video news

9:37 PM


Tension escalates between India and Nepal like never before. NewsX travels to the Indo-Nepal border conflict zone to get you the story no one else has told you. Nepal 17 km long energized fence on the banks of the Mechi river has blocked the Elephant Corridor which has existed since time immemorial.

This move has sparked massive unrest among villagers living in the border villages of West Bengal. Blocked by Nepal, jumbos are wreaking havoc in border villages, damaging crops and farmland. Every year hundreds of elephants migrate from the forests of Assam and West Bengal into Nepal through the Indo-Nepal border. With elephant corridor being blocked, jumbos are moving in to territories they have never gone before. If the movement of the elephants is blocked, it will create a disastrous effect in places like Kolabari and other ​settlements in Panighata range. Here's a ground zero report

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