Battho Manchhe 21 – Nepali Comedy Clips

Battho Manche new episode is very good to watch. It has a girl in lead role and she is beautiful with mind. Two men try to ask some questions to test her knowledge but she tricks to answer their questions. This is the brand new nepali comedy clip on youtube. The comedy series in the name Battho Manchhe is uploaded regularly by tv nepali. Actually Battho Manchhe is the term taken from Nepali language which means the man who is clever. But, this comedy clip is satirical to those who consider themselves as the Battho Manchhe. In this series of Battho Manchhe, the author wants to show that the socalled clever man actually is not clever enough but people feels irritated and agree to told him Battho Manchhe. The all rights reserved to tvnepali. Reuploading and reproduction is strictly forbidden. Embedding in websites will be heartily welcome. Please like, comment and share videos.

देशको नाक राख्ने खेलाडीलाई बालुवा बोक्ने गाडीमा नगर परिक्रमा नगराउन निश्चल बस्नेतको आग्रह

काठमाडौं २ मंसिर – मलेसियामा सम्पन्न एएफसी सोलिडारिटी कपको उपाधि चुमेको नेपाली फुटबल टोली बुधबार स्वदेश फर्कदै छ । टोली साझ ८ बजे त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलमा आइपुग्ने भएकाले नगर परिक्रमा भने बिहीबार गराउने एन्फाले जनाएको छ ।
नेपाली फुटबल टोली होस् या क्रिकेट टोली विदेशी भूमिमा उपाधि चुमेर आउँदा सम्बन्धित निकायले बालुवा बोक्ने ट्रिपरमा नगर परिक्रमा गराउने गथ्र्यो । त्यसको चौतर्फी विरोध भएपछि भारतमा सम्पन्न साग विजेता टोलीलाई नेपाली सेनाको गाडीमा राखेर नगर परिक्रमा गराइएको थियो ।

यसै सन्दर्भमा सोलिडारिटी कप विजेता टोलीलाई नगर परिक्रमा गराउनुपूर्व नेपाली चलचित्रका निर्देशन, लेखक तथा नायक निश्चल बस्नेतले देशको नाक राख्ने खेलाडीलाई बालुवा बोक्ने गाडीमा नगर परिक्रमा नगराए हुने भन्दै स्टाटस लेखेका छन् ।

उनले एउटा बसको तस्बिरसमेत पोस्ट गर्दै ‘एउटा बस किनेर यस्तो बनाउन सकिन्न र ?’ भन्ने प्रश्नका साथ अन्तिममा ‘कुरो !’ लेखेका छन् ।

उनी लेख्छन्, ‘हुन त कुरो सम्मानको हो , मन देखि गर्ने हो । तैपनि… देशको नाक राख्ने खेलाडीलाई त्यो बालुवा बोक्ने गाडीमा चै नगर परिक्रमा नगराए हुने । एउटा बस किनेर यस्तो बनाउन सकिन्न र ? कुरो !’

No Tension 48 – Nepali Comedy Video

This is new comedy clip on ‘No Tension’ Nepali Comedy Clip series directed by Gyanendra Koirala. All the clips on this series are produced by tvNEPALI. ‘No Tension’ is the collection of new Nepali comedy video where Gyanendra Koirala presents the events, social issues and human behaviour in a funny way. ‘No Tension’ is the status of mind where one generalise own tension and pressure to other and become relief from such kind of pressures. The world is changing day by day. Everyone on the planet is busy to survive in this changing time. So people are getting more and more individualistic and forgot to laugh. We make people to laugh from heart. Some of the video have political satire, but our intention is not to hurt anybody. We want to spread ideas in a funny way and we believe in creative criticism of activities and subject. If we make comedy of anybody like celebrities or political person or players or actors, we focus on subject matter not on individual. So we request all our audience to have fun and take all our videos as a entertainment. We say sorry for any inconvenience made by our videos and stories. Please do not forget to like, comment and share our videos. Uploading and reproduction of our videos are strictly prohibited.

खेल बाट म्याच फिक्सिंग गर्नेहरु निकालिए पछि नेपाली फुटबल चम्किएको छ,त्यस्तै अब राजनीतिमा देश फिक्सिंग गर्नेहरु पनि देश बाट निकालिनु पर्छ अनि देश चम्कन्छ -सुर्य बस्याल

खेल बाट म्याच फिक्सिंग गर्नेहरु निकालिएपछि नेपाली फुटबल चम्किएको छ, त्यस्तै अब राजनीतिमा देश फिक्सिंग गर्नेहरु पनि देश बाट निकालिनु पर्छ अनि देश चम्किन्छ सूर्य बस्याल नेपाली फुबलमा यो वर्ष लगातार खुशी आएको छ । किनकी नेपाली फुटबल टीमले एक वर्षमा लगातार तीन उपाधि जितेर सबै नेपालीलाई एकता र सफलताको भावनात्मक सन्देस पनि दिएको छ । राजनितिले जताततै निराशा र आक्रोश उत्पन्न गाउँदा देशप्रति नै नकारात्मक बनेको नेपाली युवा पक्तिलाई फेरि एकपटक नेपालको झण्डा बोकेर ‘नेपाल, नेपाल–नेपाल’ भनेर देशको नामलाई गौरव साथ लिने अवसर जुराएको छ । नेपाली फुटबल इतिहासमै नेपालले एएफसी सोलिडारिटी कप फुटबल प्रतियोगिताको उपाधि जितेर अहिलेसम्मकै महत्वपूर्ण उपलब्धि हासिल गर्दैगर्दा आम जनतार शुभचिन्तकमा नेपाली फुटबलप्रति आशा र उत्साह जागेको छ । गणेश थापाको पतन र म्याच फिक्सिङ काण्डको पर्दाफाससँगै अब नेपाली फुटबलले उपयुक्त बाटो समातेको हो कि भन्ने महसुस भएको छ । नेपालले यसै वर्षदेखि शुरु भएको सोलिडारिटी कप फुटबल प्रतियोगिताको पहिलो संस्करणको उपाधि जित्दै नेपाली फुटबल टोलीले नयाँ इतिहास रचेको छ र नेपाल अब कमजोर नरहेको सन्देस पनि दिएको छ । मलेसियाको कुचिङस्थित सरावक रङ्गशालामा बेलुकीपख सम्पन्न फाइनल खेलमा नेपालले मकाउलाई १–० को गोलअन्तरले हराउँदै उपाधि जितेको नेपालका लागि विश्वभर रहेका नेपाली दर्शकले अभूतपूर्व उत्साह थपेका थिए । अहिले नेपाली टीम बलियो देखिएको छ र अब अगाडि नरोकिने संकेत पनि देखिएको छ । गत वर्ष माघमा बङ्गलादेशमा भएको बङ्गबन्धु गोल्डकप जितेको नेपाल त्यतिमा सीमित भएन । त्यसको एक महिनापछि भारतमा सम्पन्न दक्षिण एसियाली खेलकुद (साग)मा पनि नेपालले नै जित्यो । तर ती दुवै प्रतियोगिता विश्व फुटबल महासङ्घ (फिफा)ले मान्यता दिएको सिनियर स्तरको फुटबल थिएन । बङ्गबन्धु कपको फाइनलमा नेपालले बहराइनको २३ वर्षमुनि (यु–२३) को टोलीलाई हराएको थियो । त्यस्तै साग फुटबलमा तीनजनाबाहेक अरू यु–२३ का खेलाडीले खेल्ने प्रावधान छ । तर मंगलबार जितेको सोलिडारिटी कप फिफाको आधिकारिक प्रतियोगिताको उपाधि हो । यो प्रतियोगिता यसै वर्षदेखि सुरु भएको हो । त्यसैले यसको अर्थ हामी विश्व फुटबलमा एउटा उच्च लक्ष्यका लागि अगाडि बढेका छौं भन्ने हो । अहिले नै हामी विश्वकप फुटबल वा एसियन कपमा नखेलौला । तर, हाम्रो लक्ष्य त्यहाँ पुग्ने हुनुपर्छ अब । यसका लागि सरकारले खेलाडीलाई आवश्यक सबै सुविधा दिएर भविष्य प्रति चिन्ता मुक्त पानुपर्छ र देशका लागि उपाधि उचाल्ने बाटो खोल्नुपर्छ । अब सरकारले सोच्नुपर्छ, हाम्रा कोही पनि खेलाडी म्याचफिक्सिङ गरेर पैसाका लागि ३ करोड नेपालीको आस्था, सम्मान र आशा नबेचुन । उनीहरुलाई राज्यले नै सम्पन्न बनाओस र देशका लागि मात्र सोच्ने वातावरण दिओस । त्यति भए नेपालले विश्व फुटबलमा आफ्नो नाम लेखाउनेछ । हुन त मंगलबार उपाधि जितसँगै एएफसि सोलिडारिटी कप विजेता नेपाली टोलीलाई प्रतिव्यक्ति तीन लाख नगद दिने सरकारले घोषणा गरेको छ । पक्कै पनि यो सकारात्मक निर्णय हो । तर, नेपाल सरकारले विजयी खेलाडीलाई प्रतिव्यक्ति तीन लाख नगद भनेको सम्मान मात्र हो र अब सम्मान सँगै सबल बनाउने दायित्व सरकारको हो । त्यो दायित्व पूरा गरेर सरकारले खेलाडीलाई उत्साह थपोस । सरकार एउटी उच्च वर्गकी धनाड्य सुजातालाई ५० लाख बाँडन सकिन्छ भने देशका हिरोहरु जसले देशका लागि मात्र जविन समर्पित गरिरहेका छन् । तिनलाई १–१ करोड किन दिन सकिदैन ? यसमा सरकारले अब सोच्नैपर्छ । अगाडिको निर्णय सरकारकै हो । जनताहरु अहिले भनिरहेका छन् कि खेल बाट म्याच फिक्सिंग गर्नेहरु निकालिए पछि नेपाली फुटबल चम्किएको छ । त्यस्तै, अब राजनीतिमा देश फिक्सिंग गर्नेहरु पनि देश बाट निकालिनु पर्छ अनि देश चम्किन्छ । अब राजनिति गर्नेहरुले यसबारेमा नसोच्ने हो भने फुटबलबाट म्याच फिक्सिङ गर्ने हरु जसरी अहिले आफ्नो अनुहार छोपेर कुनै कुनामा थन्किन विवश भएका छन । नेताहरुको लागि पनि त्यो दिन नआउला भन्न सकिन्न । आखि जनता कति दिनसम्म देशमा भइहरेको यो फिकिसङहेरेर बस्न सक्छनत र नेताज्यू हरु ? धन्यबाद

Heart touching -Nepali Gaine geet

The Nepali lok-dohori scene. The singer started his musical journey with the album Jeevan Bhayo Urath Bagara in 2006, which was well-received by the audience. After that, there was no looking back for Jay. Till date, the artiste has already released 23 albums, and has sung around 150 songs in total. He recently released a record on the occasion of Teej, titled Nachau Didi Bahini, and is now gearing up for a Dashain release. Rajita Dhungana caught up with the talented singer to talk about his life as a folk musician and his other interests.

नरेन्द्र मोदीको अचानकको निर्णयले एक अर्ब भारु प्रचण्डको पनि डुब्यो,प्रचण्ड तनावमा

काठमाडौं, १ मंसिर । भारतका प्रधानमन्त्री नरेन्द्र मोदीले भ्रष्टाचार तथा कालो धन सङ्ग्रह गर्ने कार्यलाई निरुत्साहित गर्न भारतीय पाँच सय र हजारका नोट खारेज गर्ने निर्णय लिएपछि नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डलगायत माओवादीका खासखास नेताहरु गहिरो शोकमा परेका छन् । आजको घटना र विचार साप्ताहिकमा समाचार छ । गत मंगलबार


(कात्तिक २३ गते) प्रधानमन्त्री मोदीले भारु पाँच सय र हजारका नोट सोही दिनदेखि नचल्ने निर्णय गरेका थिए। यसरी अचानक ठूला नोटहरु नचल्ने घोषणा हुँदा त्यसको गम्भीर असर नेपाली व्यापारी र भारतमा श्रम गर्ने नेपालीलाई पनि परेको छ। तर, प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डमा छटपटी बढ्नुको कारण नेपालीलाई समेत असर परेकाले भने होइन। प्रचण्डको भारतस्थित आफ्ना विश्वासप्राप्तहरुको जिम्मामा एक अर्ब भारुभन्दा बढी नगद लुकाएको र उक्त रकम कागजको खोस्टोमा रुपान्तरित भएकोले उनी ज्यादा छटपटिएका हुन्। ठूला भारतीय रुपैयाँ खारेजीको सूचना पाएलगतै प्रचण्डले भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री नरेन्द्र मोदीसंग टेलिफोन संवाद गरी ‘नगद बचाउने’ प्रयास गरेका थिए। तर, करिब एक सातासम्म निरन्तर प्रयास गरेपछि प्रचण्डले सोमबार (२९ कात्तिक) मात्र मोदीसंग टेलिफोन संवाद गर्ने मौका पाए। भारतीय राजदूतदेखि भारतमा रहेका कतिपय मित्र र नेपालमा रहेका भारतनिकटका सुत्रहरुसंग पनि प्रचण्डले मोदीसंग एकपटक संवाद गराइदिन अनुनयविनय गरेका थिए। उनले गरेको बिलौना सुनेर भारतीञ राजदूतावासले सोमबार मोदीसंग संवादको व्यवस्था त मिलाइदियो, भारतमा भएको आफ् नगद (एक अर्ब भारुभन्दा बढी) साट्ने व्यवस्थाको लागि मोदीलाई भन्न भने प्रचण्डले सकेनन्।


The authorities in New Zealand have confirmed there have been casualties in the powerful earthquake that struck the South Island around 90 kilometres north of Christchurch.Prime Minister John Key has said two people were killed. Police said one of the victims was found in a house in the coastal tourist town of Kaikoura, near the quake’s epicentre.The region that bore the brunt of the 7.8 magnitude tremor was north of Christchurch on the South Island, where there were reports of injuries and collapsed buildings.It generated a tsunami: the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warned of the risk of destructive waves along the entire east coast, warning people to move to higher ground.


Battho Manche new episode is very good to watch. It has a girl in lead role and she is beautiful with mind. Two men try to ask some questions to test her knowledge but she tricks to answer their questions. This is the brand new nepali comedy clip on youtube. The comedy series in the name Battho Manchhe is uploaded regularly by tv nepali. Actually Battho Manchhe is the term taken from Nepali language which means the man who is clever. But, this comedy clip is satirical to those who consider themselves as the Battho Manchhe. In this series of Battho Manchhe, the author wants to show that the socalled clever man actually is not clever enough but people feels irritated and agree to told him Battho Manchhe. The all rights reserved to tvnepali. Reuploading and reproduction is strictly forbidden. Embedding in websites will be heartily welcome. Please like, comment and share videos.

THAMEL BAZAAR – Hot Talk With ALISHA RAI, Dancer of ‘LOOT 2

A Princess Movies & Black Horse Pictures Production
Popcorn Pictures Presents!
Nepali Movie LOOT 2
Masterplan Unfolds Falgun 13(Febraury 24)

Cast: Saugat Malla, Dayahang Rai, Karma, Reecha Sharma, Bipin Karki, Praween Khatiwada, Sushil Raj Pandey, Pradeep Raj Neupane
Story/Screenplay/Director: Nischal Basnet
Producer: Madav Wagle, Narendra Maharjan
Editor: Surendra Poudel
Background Score: Rohit Shakya
Cinematographer: Purushottam Pradhan
Music: Kaliprasad Baskota, Roshan Thapa.

Naya Shakti Nepal, Baburam Bhattarai

Former Prime Minister and Coordinator of Naya Shakti Nepal, Baburam Bhattarai on Saturday said that the suspended Chief of Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), Lokman Singh Karki is similar to a stray bull.
Speaking at a press meet organized here, Bhattarai said, “Lokman refused the court’s order and decline to be present at parliamentary committees just like a bull straying in a narrow alley of Kathmandu. Filing an impeachment motion against him was a normal step.”
He was of the opinion that the parliament should taken action against Karki after investigating his wrongdoings. Noting that corrupts are trying to cleanse themselves by pointing their fingers at Kakri, Bhattarai said, “Some 10 wrongdoers can decamp by pointing fingers at one.”

Dhurmus’s Speech At Namuna Basti

President Bidya Devi Bhandari on Friday handed over the integrated model settlement constructed by the Dhurmus-Suntali Foundation at Giranchaur, Melcmchi municipality-8, of Sindhupalchok district to the earthquake survivors.The integrated settlement has 65 houses, five children parks and a community building for the survivors of 25 April 2015 earthquake in Sindhupalchok.Artist Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus) informed that the integrated settlement was developed in 35 Ropanis land at the cost of around Rs 51.45 million.The earthquake-resistant disable-friendly and child-friendly houses were built adopting the concept of clean city and green city, he further shared.The settlement site is around 6-km away from Sindhukhola along the Helambu Highway.President Bhandari said that artists Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus) and Kunjana Ghimirey (Suntali) have challenged the government by constructing the model human settlement.

The Little Boy With A Giant Leg: BORN DIFFERENT

A RARE genetic disorder has caused a child’s leg to swell to four times its normal size. Three-year-old Akshaj Khandelwal from Dwarka in Delhi has been diagnosed with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome (KTS), a rare condition that has caused excessive growth on the right side of his body. The three symptoms associated with the syndrome, which affects one or two in 100,000 people, are port wine stains, large varicose veins and hypertrophy (extra growth) of one limb. Videographer / director: Shams Qari Producer: Haziq Qadri, Ruby Coote Editor: Sonia Estal

The Dhurmus Suntali Foundation at Giranchaur of Melamchi Municipality

The Dhurmus Suntali Foundation at Giranchaur of Melamchi Municipality-8 in Sindhupalchok district was handed over to the earthquake survivors today.
President Bidya Devi Bhandari handed over the integrated settlement with 65 houses, five children parks and a community building to the survivors of the 2015 earthquake.Speaking on the occasion, President Bhandari said that the attachment of traditional culture, practices and values developed in a particular place created complexity to shift any settlement to a new place.Meanwhile, she urged the locals to be self-dependent rather developing dependency on others.
Artist staram Kattel (Dhurmus) informed that the integrated settlement was developed in 35 ropanis of land at the cost of around Rs 51.45 million.The disabled-friendly, child-friendly and environment-friendly earthquake-resistant houses were developed adopting the concept of clean and green city.The settlement locates at the distance of 6 kilometres from Sindhukhola along the Helambu Highway.

बाच्नु मात्रै पर्छ के के देख्नु र सुन्नु पाईन्छ यो दुनियामा !! लिंगमा फलामको रिङ अड्किए पछि पर्यो यस्तो आपत निकाल्न बोल्टकटरकै प्रयोग,डाक्टरले चार घण्टा पछि मात्रै रिङ निकाल्न सके हेनुहोस भिडियो जे देखियो >>>{भिडियो सहित}

A man had to be rushed to hospital after getting a metal c*** ring stuck on his p@nis – until doctors used BOLT CUTTERS to remove it.He was using the s@x aid at home but was left in unbearable pain when he couldn’t remove it.Emergency services had to be called, who sent an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.Horrifying images from the procedure showed medics using 2ft long boltcutters and a hacksaw to cut off the small ring.

The sex toy is used by men who wish to maintain erections.Doctors and nurses struggled to contain their laughter as the man in his 30s – who has not been identified – had the ring removed.Volunteer rescue worker Jack Bansakul said: “The man put the metal alloy ring on his penis for some kind of sex game at home.”I’m not sure if it was one he’d bought from a shop or something he found in the garage.”But he hadn’t measured himself properly and when his penis expanded he could not remove it.

Nira Cover Song || Purano Dunga by P Motion Pictures || 2016

The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) is a college in Sydney, Australia. The college was established in its present structure in 1988, in spite of the fact that its causes follow back to the 1870s. It is a piece of the Australian Technology Network of colleges. It was positioned sixth in Australia in the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2014 and in the 401st–500th section and 17th–19th in Australia in the 2013 Academic Ranking of World Universities. The University of Technology, Sydney is a fascinating blend of compositional styles mirroring the distinctive periods in which the structures and grounds were built and redesigned. The celebrated "Tower" building is a sample of brutalist structural planning with square and piece cement outlines. Constructed after huge understudy challenges in U.S. schools like Berkeley and Kent State University, the building was intended to get rid of vast, open air territories and subsequently utmost understudies' capacity to stage extensive challenges. The Haymarket grounds (assembling 5) join a cutting edge inner part with the staying outside of the old markets building, and the as of late finished structures 4 and 6 are outlined with a component of innovative construction modelling. The UTS Academic Board is the central report body to the UTS Council on scholarly matters. The Academic Board is concerned with arrangement advancement as it identifies with the University's scholastic projects in training, grant and exploration, and group administration. It alludes to arrangement suggestions to Council and examines matters alluded to it by Council. Scholarly Board assumes a key part in the UTS group in giving a discussion to the talk and civil argument of the scholastic bearings of the University and also the nature of its scholastic projects. The Board comprises of scholarly staff individuals and in addition understudy individuals chose for a general time of 1–2 years The UTS Union is the association which runs a scope of on-grounds understudy administrations, including sustenance & drink outlets, social exercises, understudy social occasions, and is in charge of directing UTS clubs & social orders, games clubs and other recreational exercises. The UTS exercise center has as of late been redesigned. The City Campus is home to two authorized bars, 'The Underground' and 'The Loft'. UTS has its own particular group radio station on grounds, 2SER FM. The studio is placed on Level 26 of the UTS Tower and telecasts to the whole Sydney district. The station is mutually possessed by UTS and Macquarie University, with a second studio at Macquarie University. UTS Journalism understudies help create the station's news and current undertakings projects including "The Wire" and "Razors Edge" The UTS

Nepali comedy short film, POLICE KISS

Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. It can be an idea or a task, but is more likely to be one of the activities or events that have developed over thousands of years specifically for the purpose of keeping an audience’s attention.[1] Although people’s attention is held by different things, because individuals have different preferences in entertainment, most forms are recognisable and familiar. Storytelling, music, drama, dance, and different kinds of performance exist in all cultures, were supported in royal courts, developed into sophisticated forms and over time became available to all citizens. The process has been accelerated in modern times by an entertainment industry which records and sells entertainment products. Entertainment evolves and can be adapted to suit any scale, ranging from an individual who chooses a private entertainment from a now enormous array of pre-recorded products; to a banquet adapted for two; to any size or type of party, with appropriate music and dance; to performances intended for thousands; and even for a global audience.


KATHMANDU: High officials of Nepal and India have successfully concluded the fourth session of Nepal-India Joint Commission in New Delhi on Thursday.

In the meeting, they agreed to expedite Nepal post-earthquake reconstruction projects, cross-border rail links, integrated check-posts, cross-border transmission line projects, hydro-power project, cross-border oil pipeline under the mutual cooperation, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal.

The session was co-chaired by the Minister of State for External Affairs of India MJ Akbar and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Prakash Sharan Mahat.

Meanwhile, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs also issued a statement and informed that the officials of two countries reviewed the decision of the last session and assessed the implementation of decisions made during the recent visits of Nepal’s Prime Ministers and Indian PM Narendra Modi’s Nepal visit in 2014.

The officials discussed issues of bilateral partnership and reviewed views exchanged on sub-regional, regional and international issues, the statement read.

Similarly, it reviewed the progress of projects covered under the Lines of Credits, and agreed to expedite their implementation agreeing to monitor the road construction and other infrastructural developments to be made in Nepal.


What is “John Wick” about? According to IMDb, the action flick is about “an ex-hitman comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that took everything from him.”of The Atlantic gave his fearless assumption that the movie has what it takes to be a cult classic.”John Wick is a movie you should see at midnight, with a screaming audience in attendance cheering for every preposterous action beat, every out-of-nowhere shriek from embattled mob boss Viggo Tarasov (Michael Nyqvist) and every frustrated request by his consigliore Avi (Dean Winters) that he speak English. Either that, or you should see it almost by random happenstance, with no preparation for what’s about to unfold, and marvel that such a strange film made it to the screen. John Wick is no ordinary Hollywood action claptrap, but it’s not exactly aiming for profundity either. It achieves an almost impossible goal-being a basically plotless action/revenge drama but seeming utterly distinct all the same.”

Rajesh Hamal Says He Never Gets Old - Interview

Posted by Anup Baral Oct 27, 2016 :
Rajesh Hamal for the first time portrayed the role of female in the film Shakuntala. In Shakuntala Rajesh Hamal is featured as female in the film. Rajesh Hamal took five hours to become female by doing makeup. Rajesh Hamal shares that it is really hard to become girl as it takes long time to do makeup. He also said that he realized now that why girls take always long time to get ready because doing makeup it takes hard. Rajesh Hamal also said in funny way that doesn’t ever try to portray the role of girls as it is difficult to become girl. Watch an exclusive video where we have present you the video of makeup of Rajesh Hamal becoming female:

Tihar Festival Tips

Tihar is a five-day-long Hindu festival celebrated in Nepal which comes soon after Dashain. It is same as Deepawali celebrated by the hindus in India, Sri Lanka,Bangladesh, Guyana, Surinam, Europe and NortH America but with a regional variation. In Nepal, all Hindu ethnic groups celebrate this festival with their own variation.For the majority Hindus, it is the festival of lights. 95% of the people in Nepal are Hindus and they celebrate tihar ( deepawali or dewali) by worshiping the Hindu goddess Laxmi for all five days. The majority brahmins and the chhetries communities celebrate it for five days. Among the ethnic newari community in the kathmandu valley, it is popularly known as Deepawali or Swanti. The festival is celebrated from Trayodashi of Kartik Krishna to Kartik Shukla Dwitiya every year.

Tihar in general signifies the festival of lights, where diyas are lit both inside and outside the houses to make it illuminate at night. The five-day festival is considered to be of great importance as it shows reverence to not just the humans and the Gods, but also to the animals like crows, cows and dogs who maintain an intense relationship with humans. People make patterns on the floor of living rooms or courtyards using materials such as colored rice, dry flour, colored sand or flower petals outside of their house, called Rangoli which is meant to be a sacred welcoming area for the Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism.

Chakka Panja celebrating 51 days

CHHAKKA PANJA has crossed 12 crore mark in domestic Box Office in its 36 days from ore than 50+ screen. There is no pace of stopping for multi-comedian starrer movie. After conquering box office and millions of hearts with larger than life experience, movie has now gone ahead to add another milestone.
Chhaka Panja has now become the highest business making Nepali movie, leaving behind late actor or producer Shree Krishna and Sweta Khada starrer Kohinoor which earned Rs 10 crore. Deepa Shree’s directorial movie is turning out to be a minting machine! In just five days of its release, movie has already collected Rs 3 crore. Chhaka Panja becomes most successive blockbuster movie with huge box office collection. Majority of audiences watch the movie repeatedly for 2, 3 times as well as still loves and entertain with its punch line. ‘Movie is running successfully till 5th week and now competition is between ourselves it will be difficult for any other movies to break the records since Chhaka Panja has already set a benchmark’ Comedian actor or producer Deepak Raj Giri said, .

Small improvement in TIA

Just when Rob Raker, an American environment scientist-turned-film maker, gave up the idea that he could find his lost camera, more importantly photographs from his trip to the Bardiya National Park, he got an “unexpected” call from Nepal.

“Is this Rob, owner of a camera lost in Nepal?” asked Deepak Ojha, a senior Airport Terminal Services officer. Ojha went beyond his call of duty to track Raker down through a Google group, ktmktm.

Two months ago, Raker, a permanent resident of Boulder in Colorado, the US, had accidentally left behind his Canon 5D Mark III camera worth US $4,000 at the Tribhuvan International Airport on his way home.

“I could barely believe my ears,” Raker said in his email to the Post, “I immediately told my wife, who was also completely amazed that someone from Nepal was able to track me down in the US to let me know that the camera had been found.” Raker’s camera is just one of hundreds of belongings passengers leave behind at the international airport.

Every day, around a dozen complaints are registered at the Terminal Management Division (TMD) of the airport. Until now, however, the airport officials had not paid much attention to lost properties, apart from keeping a log of items found.

Gurkha Regiment soldiers

Fresh fighting has erupted along the southern stretches of the Line of Control with Indian forces engaging terrorists in the village of Mankote, close to the location of some of the most intense combat in Thursday’s pre-dawn special forces raids on jihadist staging posts.
The fighting, sources told The Indian Express, was spearheaded by jihadists sent in to retaliate against the raids, backed by Pakistani troops stationed across the Line of Control near Tata Pani.Chandu Babulal Chauhan, a soldier serving with the 37 Rashtriya Rifles, was captured after he “inadvertently crossed over to the other side of the Line of Control”, an Indian Army official said.
Islamabad-based diplomatic sources, however, told The Indian Express that Chauhan had been captured by Pakistani troops at Jhandroot, west of Mankote, and was now being kept at the military headquarters in Nikayal.
Eight Indian soldiers, Pakistani media reported, citing their army sources, had been killed in the second burst of fighting on Thursday near Tata Pani, a claim the Indian Army said was “completely false and baseless”.

Dance Bangla Dance Junior Jan. 10 ’11 Sonam

Also Read: As many as 14 Nepali migrant workers, who reached Saudi Arabia for employment, have been left high and dry after their employer denied them work and salary. They currently are said to be living in squalid condition in a building. The stranded Nepalis have urged the stakeholders either to provide them employment at another place or help them return home, according to the report. According to an estimate, more than 600,000 Nepalis are currently working in Saudi Arabia.


Laughter can increase your overall sense of well-being. Laughter is such things which encourage us to become positive and it also build positive mind and behavior. Doctors have found that people who have a positive laugh on life tend to fight diseases better than people who tend to be more negative. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. Laughter makes you feel good. Laughter helps you relax and recharge. Laughter lowers body stress and builds good mind. Laughter reduces stress and increases energy, enabling you to stay focused and accomplish more. Laughter Reduce certain stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. We change physiologically when we laugh.

Beautiful American girl wearing gunyu and speaking nepali perfectly

Three quarters of the hundred or so languages native to Nepal belong to the Tibeto-Burman language family; this includes Nepal Bhasa (Newar) (the original language of Kathmandu), the Tamang, Magar and various Rai and Limbu languages.

However, the official and numerically most important language, Nepali, belongs to the Indo-Aryan (Indic) branch of the Indo-European family, so that Indic languages constitute 79% of the population to Tibeto-Burman’s 18%, even though most languages of both families are spoken by small numbers of people.

The Dravidian languages are represented by Kurux, and the Munda languages of the Austroasiatic family by Santali and Mundari.

The indigenous languages of Nepal that predated the influx of Indic, Tibeto-Burman, and other families barely survive in the Kusunda language, which is nearly extinct today.

Nepal also has at several indigenous village sign languages, Jhankot Sign Language, Jumla Sign Language, and Ghandruk Sign Language, in addition to the Nepali Sign Language designed for national use.


A Muslim, sometimes spelled Moslem, relates to a person who follows or practises the religion of Islam, a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the Quran. Muslims consider the Quran to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophet and messenger Muhammad. They also follow the sunnah teachings and practices of Muhammad as recorded in traditional accounts called hadith. “Muslim” is an Arabic word meaning “one who submits (to God)”. A female Muslim is sometimes called a Muslimah. There are customs holding that a man and woman or teenager and adolescent above the age of fifteen of a lunar or solar calendar who possesses the faculties of rationality, logic or sanity, but misses numerous successive Jumu’ahs without a valid excuse, no longer qualifies as a Muslim.Most Muslims will accept anyone who has publicly pronounced the declaration of faith (shahadah) as a Muslim.The shahadah states:


Sunil Thapa is a Bollywood Actor. He was born in Kathmandu, Nepal. His Date of Birth is 19-May-57. He has acted in Bollywood and Nepali movies and best known for his filmsEk Duuje Ke Liye, and Manav Hatya. Sunil Thapa has acted in most of the movies as a villain and one of the biggest villian in Nepali films.
Sunil Thapa first film name is Ek Duuje Ke Liye. Some of the famous films in which Sunil Thapa acted are Ek Duuje Ke Liye, Manav Hatya, Mashaal, Albela, Thuldai and Aago


Khaskhus is one of the popular TV comedy program currently running in Nepal. This is another new episode broadcasted today which is published by Aama Agni Kumari Media online. On this week episode Magne budaand his family welcome guest at their home and they are is helping their guest. Also you can see Magne Budo in various comedy scene. Watch another episode of comedy tv show Khaskhus. Watch Comedy serial Khaskhus staring main featuring artist are Magne budho (Kedar Ghimire) and Takme Budho (wilson Bikram rai) and many more.


I know exactly what you thinking because it is exactly what I’m thinking when I first see this surreal picture. A picture that is so skillfully doctored to show a large plane landing near to the coastline as short to the start-point of runaway. To created such a illusion with perfectly matched details to thwart even the meticulous critics will require very highly-skilled artist and countless hours of work. Just look at those shadow, lighting and other amazing details that fit so well with the environment, not to even mention that no airline in the world is so sane to put the public in such a dangerous area.Amazing as it seen, this is NO Photoshop-ped image but a common sight that you will get to see if you happen to be in Princess Juliana International Airport in the Netherlands Antilles. Passenger plane that lands as dangerously close to the public accessible area with the wheels of the plane just few metres away from the fence is a trick that only pilots with the utmost confidence and judgment are capable of executing, and all this is done with zero-record of mishap.


Humla is the most remote district in Nepal, and one of the poorest. There are few tourists, and those you meet will most likely be headed to the border town of Hilsa, a stepping-stone to Mount Kailash in Tibet.

From the district capital of Simikot, spread across a ridge at 2900m, the Great Himalaya Trail follows the old salt trading route to Tibet. The trail threads along towering green cliffs above the roaring Karnali, the longest river in Nepal. You’ll pass clusters of flat-roofed mud houses, encountering Thakuri women wearing heavy gold and silver jewellery, and Thakuri men leading flocks of long-haired goats up and down the muddy trail to Tibet.

As you approach Hilsa and the northwestern border, the landscape becomes drier, and the context, Buddhist. It’s possible to turn southeast into the Limi Valley’s incredible red rockscapes and mediaeval stone villages. Beyond lies aglacial valley below the 5000m Nyalu pass, with the aquamarine Tshom Tsho Lake providing remarkable contrast with the burnt sienna of the treeless expanses.

The Humli people, like Nepalis across the country, are incredibly diverse. About 85% of the 56,000 people who live in this sparsely populated district are Hindu. Buddhists, some of whom practice polyandry, occupy the highlands. According to anthropologist Carol Dunham:

“Humla is one of the most culturally fascinating places in all of Nepal, a cultural tapestry woven from ancient Khasa kingdoms, ancestors of the grand Zhangzhung kingdom of the north, with Rajput and Thakuri blended into the mix.”


Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes[2] that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species retain a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.

Saudi Arab Jel

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.However, according to the Basic Law of Saudi Arabia adopted by royal decree in 1992, the king must comply with Sharia (Islamic law) and the Quran, while the Quran and the Sunnah (the traditions of Muhammad) are declared to be the country’s constitution.No political parties or national elections are permitted.Critics regard it as a totalitarian dictatorship.The Economist rates the Saudi government as the fifth most authoritarian government out of 167 rated in its 2012 Democracy Index, and Freedom House gives it its lowest “Not Free” rating, 7.0 (“1=best, 7=worst”) for 2013.
In the absence of national elections and political parties,politics in Saudi Arabia takes place in two distinct arenas: within the royal family, the Al Saud, and between the royal family and the rest of Saudi society.Outside of the Al-Saud, participation in the political process is limited to a relatively small segment of the population and takes the form of the royal family consulting with the ulema, tribal sheikhs and members of important commercial families on major decisions.This process is not reported by the Saudi media.

SKORE Champion Song - Dwayne "DJ" Bravo ft. Chris Gayle - Champion Song

The West Indian Cricket stars DJ Bravo and Chris Gayle are back with the famous song by Bravo - Champion. This time, watch them score with Skore condoms. Want to sing along? Here you go - Go maan, Champion, Score maan, Champion Go maan, Champion, Score maan, Champion Champion – Champion – (3) Everybody know say he is a Champion Champion – Champion – (3) Everybody know bad boy is a Champion Khel ka champion, Pyaar ka Champion Game ka champion, Move ka Champion, Why be a player, when you can be a Champion Lissen mi, lissen, bad boy make a Champion You could be an Indiaan, West Indiaan, Caribbean, Lissen mi, lissen, bad boy make a Champion Why be a player, when you can be a Champion Lissen mi, lissen, bad boy make a Champion

36 injured in Makawanpur Land Survey Office fire

At least 36 persons were injured when a fire broke out at the Land Survey Office in Makwanpur on Wednesday afternoon.According to DSP Bamdev Gautam of the District Police Office, Makawanpur, the fire apparently broke out at a restaurant and spread to the adjoining Land Survey Office.The fire broke out after a cooking gas cylinder exploded, according to police.DSP Gautam said that the injured are receiving treatment at the Hetaunda Hospital and the Chure Hill Hospital.
Among the injured, Saroj Lal Shrestha (45) of Hetaunda-5 is said to be in critical condition. He has been referred to Bharatpur for further treatment.DSP Gautam said that two computers, a typewriter, furniture and some documents were destroyed in the fire.
However, full assessment of the properties destroyed in the fire is yet to be made.Hetaunda Sub-Metropolitan City’s fire engine doused the fire with the help of locals, and the security personnel from Nepal Police and Nepal Army after an hour.

Human body parts fall from the sky and land in busy city street

Human body parts fell from the sky in front of shocked residents in a busy city street.The remains landed in the Mushrefa neighbourhood of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia on Sunday, and police suspect they belong to someone trapped in a plane’s wheel bay.Gruesome pictures of the body parts were leaked on social media sites and in Arabian media, according to Metro.It is fairly common for people to try and hitch a ride in Saudi planes’ wheels bays – but most reportedly freeze to death when they get to a certain height.It comes after a Saudi plane had to make an emergency landing in Medina this weekend, injuring 29 people – but police are not linking the two incidents.The 767-300ER aircraft was arriving from the Iranian city of Mashhad with 315 people on board.

मधेसवादी दलहरुकोे विश्वास जितेर संविधानलाई कार्यान्वयनमा लाने अहिलेको आवश्यकता - प्रधानमन्त्री

काठमाडौँ, १० कात्तिक - प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले संविधान जारी गर्दाको बखत समझदारी बनेझैँ मधेसवादी दलहरुकोे विश्वास जितेर संविधान कार्यान्वयन गर्नुपर्ने अहिलेको आवश्यकता भएको बताउनुभएको छ।

आज साँझ प्रधानमन्त्री निवास बालुवाटारमा विभिन्न सञ्चारमाध्यमका सम्पादकहरुसँगको अन्तक्र्रियामा प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले भन्नुभयो, "स्थायित्वका लागि चुनाव अपरिहार्य छ । अहिले नेकपा (माओवादी केन्द्र) वा एक व्यक्तिको सरकारको भविष्यको सवाल हैन । समग्र प्रजातान्त्रिक प्रक्रियाको सफलता वा असफलतासँग संविधान कार्यान्वयनको सवाल जोडिएको छ।

निर्धारित मितिमै चुनाव हुन नसक्ने हो कि भन्ने आशङ्काको प्रत्युत्तरमा उहाँले आगामी चैतभित्र स्थानीय तहको निर्वाचन सम्पन्न गर्ने सत्तारुढ गठबन्धनको अभिष्ट भएको र यसमा करिब करिब तीन ठूला दलबीच सहमति बनेको जानकारी दिनुभयो।

मङ्सिरको पहिलो वा दोस्रो हप्ताभित्र स्थानीय निकायको पुनःसंरचनासम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन दिन निर्देशन दिइसकिएको बताउँदै उहाँले भन्नुभयो, निर्धारित मितिभित्रै स्थानीय तहको निर्वाचन सम्पन्न हुनसके प्रदेश र केन्द्रको निर्वाचन एकै मितिमा गर्न सकिन्छ।

मधेस र पहाडबीच रहेको राजनीतिक असन्तुलन मिलाउने, छिमेकी मुलुकसँग चिसिएको सम्बन्ध सुधार्ने, भूकम्पपछिको पुनःनिर्माणलाई गति दिने र संविधान सबैका लागि स्वीकार्य बनाएर चुनाव गराउने चार मुख्य विषयलाई आफूले दास्रोपटक प्रधानमन्त्री निर्वाचित हुँदा प्राथमिकतामा राखेको जानकारी दिँदै उहाँले मधेस, पहाड र हिमाललाई एक ढिक्का बनाएर राख्नु सबैका लागि चुनौती भएको बताउनुभयो।

आफूले भारत भ्रमण गर्दा राष्ट्र हितका पक्षमा त्यहाँका उच्च तहका नेताहरुसँगको वार्तालाई अधिकतम उपयोग गर्ने कोसिस गरेको स्मरण गराउँदै उहाँले जनस्तरमा एक हदसम्म दुई देशबीचको सम्बन्धलाई उकास्न सकेको बताउनुभयो।

त्रि–देशीय समझदारीको नेपालको प्रस्तावलाई चीनले खुलारुपमा समर्थन गरेको र त्यस प्रस्तावप्रति भारतको पनि विमति नरहेको बताउँदै उहाँले भन्नुभयो, यो प्रस्ताव नेपालको हितमा छ र यसबाट नेपालको आर्थिक विकास हुने भएकाले यसलाई फलदायी बनाउन प्रयास गर्नुपर्छ।

’वन बेल्ट वन रोड’को चिनियाँ प्रस्तावप्रति भारतको अनिच्छा देखिएको सन्दर्भमा राखिएको एक जिज्ञासामा प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले भन्नुभयो, “यसको कार्यान्वयनबाट नेपाल लाभान्वित हुनुपर्छ । हामीले यसको समर्थन गर्नुपर्छ ।’ भारतीय पक्षसँग अहिले अमलेखगन्जसम्म पेट्रोलियम पाइपलाइन बिच्छ्याउने कुरा भएको हो, १५ वर्षसम्म अन्तबाट तेल ल्याउन पाइँदैन भन्ने होइन, त्यसमा रि-नेगोसियट हुन्छ– उहाँले भन्नुभयो।

राजनीतिक स्थिरता र आर्थिक समृद्धिमा मुलुकले गर्नसक्ने प्रगतिमा मात्रै विदेश नीतिको ओज निर्भर रहने उहाँको भनाइ थियो । राजनीतिक दलहरुका लागि केही प्रतिशत मत सीमा (थ्रेसहोल्ड) तोक्नु पर्ने आवश्यकतामाथि अहिले दलहरुबीच छलफल चलिरहेको बताउँदै उहाँले यसो हुनसक्यो भने मुलुकमा राजनीतिक स्थिरता कायम गर्न मद्दत पुग्ने विचार व्यक्त गर्नुभयो। "एउटै पार्टीले मात्र राजनीतिक स्थिरता आउँछ भन्ने पनि होइन" - उहाँले भन्नुभयो।

चार विषयमा संविधान संशोधन गर्ने गृहकार्य भइरहेको जानकारी दिँदै उहाँले सीमाङ्कनमा केही हेरफेर हुनसक्ने, भाषा विवादको समाधानका लागि संविधानमै एक अनुसूची थप्न सकिने, अन्तरिम संविधानको भावनालाई अहिलेको संविधानमा समेटेर नागरिकताको समस्या हल गर्न सकिने बताउनुभयो । राष्ट्रिय सभामा हुने प्रतिनिधित्वबारे दलहरुबीच फरकफरक धारणा रहेपनि ठूलो विवाद नरहेको उहाँको भनाइ थियो।

केही अचम्म लाग्दो किसिमबाट अख्तियारका प्रमुख आयुक्तविरुद्ध महाअभियोगको प्रस्ताव आएको स्वीकार्दै उहाँले प्रस्तावले संसद्मा प्रवेश पाएर पनि केही दिन पर सार्नुका कारण चाडबाड र छिमेकी मुलुकका राष्ट्र प्रमुखको भ्रमण रहेको र त्यो दलहरुबीचकै सहमतिमा भएको स्पष्ट पार्नुभयो।

अख्तियारले केपी ओली प्रधानमन्त्री हुँदादेखि नै जताततै प्रहार गर्न थालेकोप्रति आफूले सचेत गराएको स्मरण गराउँदै उहाँले आफू भारत भ्रमणमा रहँदा र त्यहाँका उच्च तहका नेताहरुसँग राष्ट्रहितका पक्षमा वार्ता गर्दै गर्दा एकाएक अख्तियारका प्रमुख आयुक्तबाट पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरी लडाकू शिविरको अमियमितता छानविन गर्ने चेतावनी आउनु दुखद भएको बताउनुभयो।

महाअभियोग प्रस्ताव टुङ्ग्याउन तीन दलका शीर्ष नेताहरुको ‘स्पिरिट’ मिलेको उहाँको भनाइ थियो । संविधान संशोधन र महाअभियोग प्रस्ताव दुवै टुङ्ग्याउन संसद्को दुई तिहाइ बहुमत चाहिने तथ्यलाई आजै साँझ बसेको तीन दलका शीर्ष नेताहरुले महसुस गरेको पनि उहाँले उल्लेख गर्नुभयो। रासस

Minister for Health Gagan Thapa

minister for Health Gagan Thapa on Thursday urged Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital’s senior orthopaedic surgeon Dr Govinda KC to end the fast-unto-death.Organising a press conference at the Ministry today, Minister Thapa said, “I am the person who says the government must meet demands raised by Dr KC. I had extended support to him in previous strikes,” Thapa said, “I am in a position to fulfil those demands now. All demands are being addressed.”
Putting forth various demands related to reforms in Nepal’s medical education sector, Dr KC has been staging the hunger strike, the ninth in past few years, for last 11 days.
Thapa said a National Medical Education Act had already been tabled at the Parliament in a bid to address Dr KC’s concerns.Meanwhile, doctors attending to Dr KC said the veteran surgeon’s health was deteriorating. Dr Dibya Singh said he had problems in heart, urinary system and blood.

Nikon D5300 reiview

Almost a year and a half since we first reviewed the Nikon D5300, it’s still a perfectly capable device, even if Nikon’s rivals have been battling it out over the last 12 months. Since launch, Nikon have recently released the D5500 (not long after the D5300’s launch mind you) with its superb sensor yet disappointing kit lens and middling controls. Sure, it’s a fine camera, but it just lacks consistency, and brings with it plenty of problems found in its predecessors.

Back to the D5300, though, which graced our store shelves less than a year since the D5200. Its main raison d’etre was its impressive 39-point autofocus sensor, which really set it apart from the 700D’s 9-point and the K-50’s 11-point sensor. At the time, it wasn’t quite enough a few niggles really held this camera back, such as its confusingly awkward controls and mediocre RAW performance. Two years on, though, has it stood the test of time or has it fallen behind the pack?

Harke Haldar – 26 October 2016 – Ep. 288

Harke Haldar comedy is a comedy serial in kantipur Television.Bishnu Sapkota played on double role as Harke and Retired Haldar or Laure Ba, Roshani Sapkota Pate or Batuli, Shiwahari bairagi on double role as Jhamke Ba, Anita Karki Pyatta, Saru Dahal Deuti, Indra Dong Lama Khambe , Jayananda Lama Gyalmo Laure , Surendra KC Gope Mama , Reshma KC and Lakshman Chaunlagai etc are the main characters of this serial .In this eposide laure ba flriting .He create new idea to earning money . Harke and sukumya support kode . laure ba think that until marry of her daughter he put his son kode at batuli house . And in another side soltini of khambe came their and they introduce each other . this time sukumaya also came and talk to khambe . Sukumaya talk about sambidan . Nakabandi and jhamke went batuli house . Harke and sukumaya chitchat about kode . In this Harke Haldar comedy diffrent characters are there.


Title : Yathartha
Director/Editor/Producer/Story : Anup Thapa
Artist : Prabinda Kafle, Rupa Karmacharya
Copyright Provided By Anup Thapa
Synopsis “YATHARTHA”
The story revolves around a man where he feels that his girlfriend makes coffee every morning and she keeps hiding so that he can find her. In reality, he doesn’t know that he killed and buried her and totally forgot so about the matter. She comes every night to see him so that he can remember where was she buried and he can cremate her accordingly. That’s why she ties the thread to his hand which leads to her cemetery. At the end its all in his mind and there is no girl. He is mentally unstable so he makes coffee before he goes to sleep and in the morning when he wakes up and sees coffee next to him, he thinks that his girlfriend made it for him.


ERBIL: Kurdish fighters said they had taken the town of Bashiqa near Mosul from Islamic State on Sunday as coalition forces pressed their offensive against the jihadists’ last stronghold in Iraq.

Masoud Barzani, President of the Iraqi Kurdish region, told US Defense Secretary Ash Carter that the Kurds had succeeded in liberating Bashiqa from Islamic State.

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters told reporters at the scene that they had entered Bashiqa. Journalists were not being allowed into the town, which lies 12 km (8 miles) northeast of Mosul.

The offensive to take Mosul, by Iraqi and Kurdish forces backed by a US-led coalition, is expected to become the biggest battle in the country since the US-led invasion in 2003.

The capture of Bashiqa, if confirmed, would mark the removal of one more obstacle on the road to the northern city.


Simran Paudel is female comedian actress of Nepal who is popular with her role Kitty from Hakka Hakki. She is more familiar with Kitty title than her original name as her character in Hakka Hakki is loved by audience and has appreciated her performance. Another important and hidden specialty of Simran is that she can do mimicry of popular Nepali comedian actors like Dhurmus, Magne Budo, Muskan Passa, Pande. She is also planning to get debut in big movies as actress. But she says she is more preferred to work as comedian rather than actress. Simran has also been featured in few music videos also as a model. She shares she is satisfied with what she has gained from Hakka Hakki. Watch an exclusive interview with Simran Paudel right here on Canada Nepal:


KATHMANDU: The Legislature-Parliament on Tuesday afternoon began deliberations on the impeachment motion against the chief of Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority, Lok Man Singh Karki.

Lawmaker Mohan Bahadur Shahi of CPN Maoist Centre presented the impeachment motion at the House, while CPN-UML chief whip Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal seconded it.

Shahi accused Karki of exploiting the CIAA as an instrument to meet his personal and his family’s ambitions. By ignoring the process, constitutional role and responsibilities since Karki institutionalised corruption, terrorised the state mechanism, blackmailed [others] and presented himself in an anarchic and unconstrained manner, Shahi said.

One Of The Biggest Families In The World

One Of The Biggest Families In The World: 181 People Under One Roof in India

With a total of 181 members, this Indian family residing at Baktawng Village in India's north-east state of Mizoram, is probably the largest in the world.

Mero Kura with Sweta Khadka

Actress Sweta Khadka, the wife of late actor Shree Krishna Shrestha became a widow after a month of marriage. Although she spent years with the actor after they met during the shooting of her debut movie ‘Kaha Bhetiyala’.Sweta’s home town is Khopasi, Panauti-12. Sweta is the daughter of Otbahadur Khadka and Goma Khadka. Goma is the youngest of Otbahadur’s four wives. Sweta’s parents were always supportive to what their daughter did in her life.Sweta’s original name is Ranjana Khadka. She completed her SLC examination from Shree Ram High School, Khopasi. She started grade 11 in education at Indreshowr Higher Secondary School in 2061 BS. She moved to Kathmandu after the completion of grade 12.

Stupid French girl drinks an entire bottle of tequila

The analysis of 4 million people, born between 1891 and 2001, showed that men used to be far more likely to drink and have resulting health problems.

But the current generation have pretty much closed the gap, the BMJ Open report says.

The changing roles of men and women in society partly explain the move towards drinking parity.

The study showed that in people born in the early 1900s, men were:

More than twice as likely as women to drink alcohol at all (2.2 times)
Three times as likely to drink to problematic levels
And 3.6 times as likely to develop health problems from drinking, such as liver cirrhosis

Amitabh Bachchan New Projects

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan’s daughter Aaradhya will turn three on 16 November. And like previous years, Aishwarya Rai is planning to make her daughter’s third birthday also a memorable affair. Aishwarya has planned to throw a special party for her lil’ Miss Sunshine. For Aaradhya’s first birthday, Aishwarya invited only close family friends and for her second birthday she had a grand celebration.And for her third birthday, Aishwarya is going to invite some kids as well as family friends.

“When she turned one, I thought of celebrating her birthday with close family members. Her first birthday was very intimate. We celebrated only with family and grandparents, so that she recognises her relationship,” Aishwarya said in a press conference.
Aaradhya, granddaughter of Bollywood’s superstars Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan, was born on 16 November, 2011. She has been one of the famous star kids of B-town and has managed to stay in the limelight ever since she was born.
“Last year, it was her second birthday party and it was huge. I had invited everybody we know and all their kids for her second birthday. I even joked that it was like a first wedding. This year, I am planning to keep it a mix of both. It’s definitely going to be intimate and a lot of fun. I am certainly planning her birthday on daily basis,” she added.
Initially, she made headlines for her first pictures. Later she managed to be in

Saudi Arabian Prince Turki bin Saud al-Kabir Was Executed

The execution last week of a Saudi prince who shot another man dead in a street brawl caused some surprise across the Western world.The dramatic punishment—carried out on the direct orders of King Salman—challenged a lazy assumption sometimes made that Saudi Arabia is a corrupt country where the rich, well-connected and the powerful get to do whatever they like.
But the beheading execution of Prince Turki bin Saud al-Kabir has shown that Saudi Arabia’s brand of Sharia justice applies to the wealthy and titled, too.According to reports, the prince admitted to shooting Adel al-Mohaimeed in 2012.
Although there are conservatively estimated to be some 6,000 members of the extended Saudi royal family, it is definitively not the case that Prince Turki was a particularly minor or expendable royal.
Indeed, as the prince’s name made clear, he was a direct descendant of the legendary Saud Al-Kabeer (which means “Saud the Great” or “Saud the Elder”).

Dubaima Nepali

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s.Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies. Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies Today,companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.


Solmari Entertainment exclusive Presents chhada kurakani
Note : This video is non commercial video made for just entertainment purpose only..We dont mean to hurt any ones sentiment..Noone is hurt and no privacy of any person is ever leaked...So enjoy our videos..Thank you

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies
Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s.Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies.
Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies

Today,companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.

THE SOLDIER - New Nepali Full Movie 2016 Ft. Sunil Thapa

Posted by Anup Baral | October 22, 2016 :BG Films Presents New Nepali Full Movie : THE SOLDIER Cast: Diwas Uprety, Sunil Thapa, Suleman Shankar(EKU) Story/Fight/Director: B.S Balami Producer: Gehendra Bajracharya Trailer: Shaukhin Timalsina Choregrapher: Suresh Chaudhary Writer: Shekhar Gyawali Music: Mandhar Sunam


Galaxy Note -7 'failure thaccieko Korean smartphone Samsung in 2017 has been to bring a note -8.Galaxy Note -7 explosion in the issue of this after the public a few weeks, the model of Samsung product was not fully closed.Note 7 to the width of the product lineup to continue and stopped Samsung is determined to show.Samsung Galaxy S is aired next year the market will bring 8 and Note 8 to the statement. Note 7 due to the damage inflicted to minimize brandale Samsung Galaxy S and S -7 -7 -8 Note ejaka user cost price by 50 percent and has been the provision of S-8 will buy.Samsung Samsung Galaxy user left Shift prevent other brands, Samsung plans to bring half the cost price of the new set up to provide.The new release date and its features if the website is not explained with models

Bloodiest Match Ever | The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar| Hell in a Cell | FULL Match HD

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s.Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies. Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies Today,companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.


A small passenger aircraft crashed during takeoff from Malta's Luqa airport, Monday, killing all five people on board. The aircraft was heading to the Libyan city of Misrata, but shortly after take-off at around 07:20 (06:20 GMT), the turboprop plane crashed, blowing up in flames.

Malta's Luqa airport has been closed and an investigation in underway. Police and emergency services are currently working at the scene of the Metroline airplane crash.

All five passengers were initially reported to be EU officials on an EU border agency Frontex chartered flight. The EU's foreign policy representative Federica Mogherini tweeted that the fligh


Nepalese musical instrument has a very strong relationship with Nepalese culture and religion. Nepal has a lot more tunes and rhythms of its own to share with the rest of the world. The musical traditions of Nepal are as diverse as the various ethnic groups of the country. The most complex musical culture in the Himalayas is that of the “Newars“ in the Kathmandu valley and the “Damai” in the other part of Nepal, which in the course of the past 2000 years has absorbed mostly Indian influences in shaping a unique musical tradition. In Nepal music has been flourished by mainly these two groups of people.

Song :Dherai Maya…
Singer Melina Rai
Lyrics : Ganga Datt Giri
Music : Bal Nanda Rai
Artist:Lokesh bc, srijana gurung

Music Label : Laligurash Foundation,Kathmandau Nepal-9843184555
Produtor:Ganga Datt Giri&Renu Adhikari


When expectant mother Caitlin Veitz attended a routine 20 week ultrasound, she and her husband Brian were expecting to find out if their baby was a boy or a girl. But instead her and her husband Brian were given some shocking news – their baby daughter’s little heart was growing outside of her chest. Their baby girl had a rare congenital heart defect (CHD), ectopia cordis, that affects only one in every 100,000 babies. Although CHDs are the most common birth defect of all, occurring in nine in every 1,000 births, ectopic cordis is the rarest form and is lethal – 95 per cent of babies with ectopic cordis die within a week of being born and 90 per cent pass away within three days. Videographer / director: DeAnne Billings Producer: Katie Mercer, Ruby Coote Editor: Marcus Cooper.


Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s.Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies. Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies Today,companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.


Pig farming in Nepal is not new in Nepal it has been accepted socially and culturally by certain ethnic groups. pig farming trend is changing gradually due to urbanization some commercial and modern pig farming practice recently started in Nepal. Pigs on the farm are raise in clean, healthy, natural environment with plenty of moving vegetable fields and sustainable pasture. Pork has a distinctive flavor good for nature, good for animal welfare, good for the economy and ultimately safer for your family to eat. The native pig breeds of Nepal are Chwanche, Hurrah, Bampudke, Pakhribas black and Dharane kalo banggur etc. Exotic breeds of pigs are imported in Nepal since 1957 A.D like Landrace, Hampshire, Duroc and Yorkshire etc.
Pig farm Nepal always use wild grains and local grains and produce free raised quality and healthy pork. We have different verity of pigs in farm but we focused to raise local black pig and some hybrid pigs on farm. Pig rising is still in the developing stage in Nepal, it is based on agricultural products and kitchen wastes not in balanced foods. We started commercial pork production in Nepal, all pigs are free range, healthy and well cared live outdoors there is some warm bedding area; huts provide shade to keeps the pigs cool in summer. Increasing demand of genuine free range pork farm is difficult to be filled by the relatively small number of producers those are farming free range pigs.

Best magic show ever 2016 Most amazing magic trick ever

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s.Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies. Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies Today,companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.

PASHUPATI PRASAD - Superhit Nepali Full Movie 2016/2073 Ft. Khagendra Lamichhane, Barsha Shiwakoti

Guaranteed vs. Non-Guaranteed Permanent Life Insurance Policies Fifty years ago, most life insurance policies sold were guaranteed and offered by mutual fund companies. Choices were limited to term, endowment or whole life policies. It was simple, you paid a high, set premium and the insurance company guaranteed the death benefit. All of that changed in the 1980s.Interest rates soared, and policy owners surrendered their coverage to invest the cash value in higher interest paying non-insurance products. To compete, insurers began offering interest-sensitive non-guaranteed policies. Guaranteed versus Non-Guaranteed Policies Today,companies offer a broad range of guaranteed and non-guaranteed life insurance policies. A guaranteed policy is one in which the insurer assumes all the risk and contractually guarantees the death benefit in exchange for a set premium payment. If investments underperform or expenses go up, the insurer has to absorb the loss. With a non-guaranteed policy the owner, in exchange for a lower premium and possibly better return, is assuming much of the investment risk as well as giving the insurer the right to increase policy fees. If things don’t work out as planned, the policy owner has to absorb the cost and pay a higher premium.

New Dharahara At Kathmandu

The government has allocated 42 Ropanis land for the reconstruction of the Dharahara. Department of Archaeology had been seeking additional land from government citing that reconstructing new Dharahara in existing five Ropanis would look dull. The required additional land will be supplemented by acquiring the land of General Post Office and Taksar Department in Sundhara and the decision to this effect has been made by Cabinet, according Minister Ananda Pokharel.
government has made public sketches of the new Dharahara amidst a programme in the Capital on Monday. The sketches reveal that the new Dharahara would look similar to the old one, however, it would be equipped with modern amenities.
The designs were prepared by Cage Consult Pvt. Ltd and JV Associates. According to the Dharahara reconstruction plan, the new Dharahara would be 245 ft. tall with 11-storeys. However, according to Architect Bishnu Panthi, it would be of 21-storeyed from the inside.
The estimated cost of the project is three Billion rupees and will be constructed in three years. According to Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Ananda Pokharel, many private organisations and Nepal Telecom have expressed their interest in financing the project. Also, Rs20 million has been collected from the campaign ‘I will build my Dharahara’, Minister Pokharel said.


CPN-UML Vice-chairperson Bam Dev Gautam today said that the constitution would not be amended without special cause at any cost.Speaking to journalists at a press meet organised by Press Chautari in Gaighat of Udaypur today, Gautam clarified that his party would not support the idea of constitution amendment until the forces were clear about which articles needed to be amended and why.“As all the feasible demands of the agitating Madhesi-forces have already been addressed, there is no point in amending the statute,” argued Gautam.Gautam said that the Madhesi forces were giving trouble to people in the name of agitation time and again. “Those forces are trying to push the country back by foiling constitution implementation for the sake of agitation even after their concerns were addressed,” he said.Gautam also said the Nepali Congress had betrayed the CPN-UML not abiding by their past agreement.


It was a celebration of faith and culture Monday in one part of Scranton.A festival filled with prayer, thanksgiving and dancing filled the community room of the Skyview Apartment Complex in South Scranton Monday afternoon.Members of Scranton’s growing Nepali-Bhutanese population came together to celebrate their Hindu faith.This is the Durga Puja. We celebrate this on the month of October every year and this is the worship of the goddess of power,” Hema Pokhrel of Scranton said.From the oldest to the youngest, everyone had a part in the celebration.On Monday, the group asked for the well-being of all people, animals and insects.”It’s very important because if God is with us, we can do anything so if she’s with me, I could become a doctor one day,” sixth grade student Nahisha Pokhrel said.the prayers and dancing, people also enjoyed some ethnic food. Over the last five years or so, an estimated 4,000 members of the Nepali-Bhutanese community have made the Scranton-area their home.Bhutan is a small land-locked country neighboring China and India.Many had lived in refugee camps after being forced out by Bhutan’s king roughly 18 years ago.In many instances, the culture they celebrated Monday was banned so being here in America brings them freedom. “They tried to burn our books, the Nepalese books and they didn’t allow us to wear sari’s,” Hari Kadariya said.With the group now opening businesses and enrolling their children in schools locally, members of this community say they are thankful for a new way of life.In 2009, Catholic Social Services from the Diocese of Scranton began helping many of the refugees settle in the Scranton area under a contract with the U.S. State Department.


Senior leader Hridayesh Tripathi was born on June 18, 1959 in Guneparseni-3 of Kathahawa. He is the son of Hari Shankar and Kunti Devi Tripathi. A graduate in political science from the Institute of Oriental Science, Russia, Tripathi plunged into politics by joining the leftist movement in 1974. He is a clever player of the politics who practically enjoyed his existence in as many political parties as he can. His modest beginning in politics was from the Communist Party led by Keshar Jung Rayamajhi. He was with the Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandidevi), before he and Mahanta Thakur of the Nepali Congress broke away to form the Terai Madhes Democratic Party (TMDP) in the wake of the Madhes Andolan. He represented Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandidevi) in the dissolved House of Representatives. In the first Constituent Assembly Election of 2008, he received 10,029 votes from Nawalparasi-6, defeating his closest rival NC’s Debkaran Kalawar . Kalawar received 9,856 votes while another opponent UCPN-Maoist’s Rahit Prasad Kewat received 5,749 votes. Former vice chairman of TMDP and former deputy leader of parliamentary party, Tripathi was assigned with various portfolio of the cabinet in different time period. His political career includes two year underground life, 8 month exile and 21 month political prison.


Education thus is an essential prerequisite of modernization. It enables people to know the world beyond their own surroundings and transforms them to become rationalist and humanist in outlook and world view. However, it has to be kept in mind that the education has got modernized and in turn is contributing to the process of modernization of the Indian society.

The traditional education system of India was quite different from the contemporary one. In traditional Indian society, the number of educational institutions was too small and the content of education was esoteric and essentially related with religion, philosophy, metaphysics and scriptural subjects.

The education was confined to the ‘twice-born’ castes and the upper classes. The organizational structure was ascriptive and hereditary. The lower castes, particularly the scheduled castes, were denied education. Even today, the Madrassah education among Muslims is largely based on religion, philosophy and scriptural messages. Shishu Mandirs also have religion and tradition as parts of curriculum.

Modern education is exoteric, open and liberal. The world-view is scientific-rational; the theme consists of freedom, equality, humanism and denial of faith in dogma and supersti­tions. The course contents are rationalistic and in tune with the needs of the present-day society.

Science and technology, grammar and literature, social philosophy, history and culture, geography and ecology, agriculture and horticulture comprise the vast range of subjects which are taught in schools, colleges and universities.

The modern education lays emphasis on the subjects like freedom, nationality, law, human rights, democracy and scientific world view. The other parts of education are the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, which are often organized for total personality development of a student.

सरकारको आयु लम्ब्याउन प्रचण्डले संविधान जलाउनेलाई काखी च्यापेर एमालेलाई बाइपास गर्न खोजियो

सल्यान, ३ कात्तिक । नेकपा (एमाले)का पोलिटब्यूरो सदस्य यमलाल कँडेलले सरकारले अघि बढाएको संविधान संशोधनको कुरा प्रष्ट नभएको बताएका छन् ।प्रेस चौतारी नेपाल सल्यान शाखाले आज खलङ्गामा आयोजना गरेको पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा उनले खास एजेन्डाबिना नै संविधान संशोधनको कुरा गरेर सरकारको आयु लम्ब्याउन खोजेको आरोप लगाउँदै संविधान निर्माण गर्ने एक पक्षलाई पाखा लगाउने र संविधान जलाउनेलाई काखीच्यापेर अगाडि बढनु उचित होइन भने । संविधान निर्माणको बेला तीन दलले जुन सहमति गरेका छन् त्यो सहमति भन्दा बाहिर गएर संविधान संशोधन हुन सक्दैन तर सरकारले बिना एजेन्डा संविधान संशोधनको कुरा गरेर संविधान कार्यन्वयनमा विवादास्पद कार्य गरिरहेको नेता कँडेलले बताए ।

सरकारले आफनो आयु लम्ब्याउनका लागि मात्र मधेसी दललाई माग पूरा गर्छु भनेर अलमल्याएको छ तर मधेसीका सबै माग सरकारले पूरा गर्नसक्ने अवस्था नभएको नेता कँडेलले उल्लेख गरे ।

Nirmal Gurung

A meeting of the Legislature-Parliament today unanimously passed a proposal tabled at the meeting, seeking permission to send the Groundwater Resource Bill to the respective committee for clause-wise deliberations.
Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat presented the proposal on behalf of the Irrigation Minister before the meeting. Likewise, the meeting decided to send the Convention on the Prohibition of Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction to the respective committee for further actions.
Minister Mahat presented the Convention to the meeting. So far 175 countries across the world have ratified the Convention.
Similarly, the meeting agreed to send the Medical Council (first amendment) Bill-2072 BS to the respective committee for further actions. Minister for Law, Justice and Federal Affairs Ajay Shankar Nayak proposed to send the Bill to the Committee on behalf of the Prime Minister. The next meeting of the Legislature-Parliament shall be held at 3 pm tomorrow, Wednesday.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Live

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Wednesday said a Constitution amendment proposal would be put forward to the House before the upcoming Chhath festival in consensus of major political actors of the nation.While addressing the Parliament in inform about his visit to Goa of India to take part in the BRICS-BIMSTEC Summit earlier this week, he said discussions were underway for the same.He, however, conceded that dialogues so far had not been much fruitful; hence, the government was doing homework to make the discussions more fruitful.It was the government’s top priority to conclude the Constitution amendment process in consensus of agitating parties and groups, including Madhesis, Tharus and Janajatis, he claimed.He informed that local body restructuring process was moving ahead in consensus of major political parties.Meanwhile, the Prime Minister also took the opportunity to inform lawmakers about the government initiatives for relief of last year’s earthquake survivors and victims of floods and landslides in various parts of the nation including Pyuthan district this monsoon.

He also said the government was implementing various promises he had made during his address to the House.

क्लिनटन–ट्रम्पको अन्तिम वहस बुधबार राती हुने

वासिङटन, ३ कात्तिक । अमेरिकाको राष्ट्रपतिका लागि उम्मेदबार रहेका डेमोक्र्याटिकतर्फकी उम्मेदबार हिलारी रोधाम क्लिन्टन र रिपब्लीक उम्मेदवार डोनाल्ड ट्रम्पकाबीचमा बुधबार राति अन्तिम संयुक्त बहस हुने भएको छ ।मतदान हुनुभन्दा २० दिन अगाडि उनीहरुको अन्तिम संयुक्त बहस हुन लागेको हो । त्यो रात अमेरिकी राजनीतिका लागि एउटा महत्वपुर्ण रात पनि मानिने छ ।स्थानीय समयअनुसार साँझ ६ः०० बजे बहस सुरु हुने बहस ९० मिनेटको हुनेछ । बहस लस भेगसमा रहेको नेभादा विश्वविद्यालयमा हुनेछ ।वहसका लागि दुवै उम्मेदवारलाई पहिले वहसमा जस्तैगरी राखिने छ । लामो समयदेखि राजनीतिक विषयमा रिपोर्टिङ गर्दै आएका ६९ वर्षीय क्रिस वाल्सले सञ्चालन गर्ने सो कार्यक्रम अमेरिकाका अधिकांश टेलिभिजनले प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण गर्नेछन् ।यसअघि पहिलो वहस २६ सेक्टेम्बरमा भएको थियो भने दोस्रो वहस अक्टोवर ९ मा भएको थियो । ती दुवै वहसपछि हिलारी थप लोकप्रिय देखिँदै गएकाछन्। पछिल्लो पटक गत सोमबार गरिएको मत सर्वेक्षणमा पनि हिलारी क्लिनटन नै अगाडि देखिनुभएको छ ।

महिला विरुद्धका विवादित अभिव्यक्तिका कारण ट्रम्प अझ पछाडि परेका सर्वेक्षणकर्ताले जनाएका छन् ।करिब एक हप्ता अगाडि मिसाउरी राज्यको सेन्ट लुइसमा अवस्थित एक विश्वविद्यालयमा आयोजित दोस्रो पटक प्रत्यक्ष टेलिभिजन बहसमा पनि ट्रम्पले महिलाको सम्बन्धमा अतिशयोक्ति गरी बोलेको श्रब्यदृष्य (भिडियो टेप) सार्वजनिक गरिएको थियो ।

Is Durga Happy?

"The moral progress of a nation can be judged by the way it treats its animals" - Gandhi Dear Friends, Only history will prove how true and visionary Gandhi was when he said those words when India was fighting against the British occupation.During the struggle that nation was also fighting its own social ills.In fact British played the role of catalyst in indian fight against "Sati" system which they thought was nonsense.Just an example. As we all know the great festival of "Dashain" is nearing.It is the greatest festival because it represents the triumph of "good" over "evil".I have no idea what "good" and "evil" we are talking about here.And,I don't think I will ever be clear on that over my life time. There are only good memories of Dashain for us as Nepalis.Once again we are ready to celebrate Dashain like any previous year.And,of course we are going to sacrifice thousands of animals and flood our holy temples with blood.Lord Durga will be happy that we are going to do so.There will be blood everywhere.Good humans who are good and strong by nature are going to kill evil animals who are weak by nature.We will cherish on such occasion. Nonetheless,there is an exception cow is an exception.We recieve milk from cow(and thats why its holy) but not from goat or buffalo.Wait a minute.I have drank more milk from buffalo than cow.But aren't all the mo-mos sold in kathmandu comes from the same buffalo that we recieve milk as well.Just a thought. Why does the greatest festival of Nepal have to be the great violent celebration too?We are strong and animals aren't.We have to sacrifice the weaker ones so that we human can grow stronger.Does that represent our deepest philosophy of how we should continue to exist?Millions of sacrifices in the past and did it make any difference?Or now we have become so deeply religious that we have started to target our own fellow beings instead of animals and instead of Dashain its all year around.And that's why we have ceasefire during the time of dashain.Is Durga happy? iZen

Dance performance in Flash Mob Dhading Bensi Chowk

</ifram e>The song is from the movie Resham Filili and is sung by Kali Prasad Baskota and Somea Barail. The movie is going to release on 11th Baishakh 2072. The song of the movie is being very popular and is till now the most heard song. Here is also a dance cover of the song taken over from YouTube which is gaining lot of popularity. In the video we can see amazing dance moves and extremely talented people shaking their legs in this famous song. The video is choreographed and performed by NepRockeerz and edited by Arjun Subedia.
Jaalma (Resham Filili) is already published in many version. Here is the new version of Jaalma (Resham Filili) dance cover by NepRockeerz. Jaalma (Resham Filili) song is also sung by India Singer Gaurav Dagaonkar which is also performing good on Youtube and another version is Jaalma (Resham Filili) by Rajesh Hamal and Karishma Manandhar Comedy video.